7th International Congress “Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan”

Visiting Samarkand

From November 5 to 8, 2023 our publishing house Müller & Schindler once again had the honour to participate in the 7th International Congress “Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan”, which took place in Samarkand.


An international audience consisting of historians, researchers as well as scientists and experts in the field of Islamic cultural heritage attended the congress and participated in the conference where the focus was put on the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.

Eindrücke aus Samarkand, Usbekistan: Unsere Verlegerin Charlotte Kramer gemeinsam mit allen Preisträgern und Preisträgerinnen.

Thanks to our sound know-how and experience regarding manuscripts and their preservation as well as reproduction when it comes to fine art facsimile editions, we have been a fixed element of this event for years. We strongly encourage Uzbekistan’s efforts to preserve and promote its rich written heritage, as well as its unique legacy of the Uzbek people, and to protect it for future generations.



Once again, we are returning filled with new experiences and unique impressions demonstrating the vast cultural heritage of this amazing country. We say thank you to the organizers for the invitation and the opportunity to live the Uzbek culture in such a close way. Thanks a million for trusting in us.

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